News & Events

The engineering department at Sonoma State University hosted a reunion for the students who attended its first Engineering Summer Camp.

The 2019 Engineering Summer Research program provided internships to 13 Engineering undergraduate and four graduate students, and five high school students from local high schools.

X-ray footprinting mass spectrometry (XFMS) is a relatively new method to investigate structural features and conformational changes of macromolecules in the solution state. This technique is an innovative way to precisely probe proteins and their surroundings using X-rays.

This summer, the engineering department at Sonoma State University launched its first Engineering Summer Camp. A total of 28 students, ranging from sophomores to seniors, from local schools in Sonoma County participated in the camp.

The electrodynamics engineering laboratory (eel) is established at Sonoma State Engineering Department to advance research in electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering, antenna design, novel electromagnetic materials, microwave circuit design, and real-time signal processing techniques.

The first two winners of the electrical engineering monthly challenge, The Q-MARGIN, are announced. Daniel Greisen and Joseph Haun won February and March challenges, respectively. Each winner is presented with a $25 gift card courtesy of the Engineering Science Department.

SSU Electrical Engineering students, Grace Montenegro, Samantha Estock, Jadalynne Salyer, Priya Khera, and Alyssa Wright, along with CS students Marguerite Williams and Dana Conard, attended the Women In Engineering Conference at San Jose State University on March 16, 2019.

Two engineering graduate students, Saumya Saxena and Geoff Thomas, from Sonoma State University participated in Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) to present their project at the 2019 GCTC Expo held in Washington DC, July 10 - 12, 2019.

The Engineering Department at Sonoma State University teamed up with Fraunhofer USA on Jun 25th to deliver a full-day workshop at