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Lectures & Workshops

Engineering Lecture Series

Each spring and fall, the Engineering Department at SSU presents a series of colloquia on a wide range of engineering topics and trend of technologies. The talks are generally very high-level and designed for the general audience. The Engineering Colloquium was established in Fall 2006 and was initially sponsored by former Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) and local industries.

Days & Dates: First and Third Thursday of every month
Zoom ID:, Passcode: 2009A
and/or Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A, Campus Map
Lecture: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. including Q &A

Attendance is open to students, faculty and staff of SSU and other members of the community, in general. A parking permit is required to park on campus, and is available for $5.00 at machines in the parking lots. Talks are otherwise free.

For more information, please contact the Engineering Department at (707) 664-2030 or

Alane Suhr
Interactive Language Agents: Training, Evaluation, and Interface
Dr. Alane Suhr

EECS Department, UC Berkeley, CA

Stella Yu
Unscripted Grounded Visual Learning
Dr. Stella Yu

EECS Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Past Lectures

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Anish Nair Senior Engineer Qualcomm, San Jose, CA Applications of Chaotic Maps in Communication and Signal Processing
Dr. Nansong Wu ES Department Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA Smart Environmental Monitoring Using Low-Cost Sensors and LPWAN
Dr. Shahrad Jamshidi Data Scientist Remi Pty, Australia Machine Learning
Dr. Sebastian Gomez-Diaz Assistant Professor ECE Department, UC Davis, Davis, CA Nonreciprocal manipulation of electromagnetic waves
Mr. Chris Stewart President & COO Pocket Radar, Santa Rosa, CA Radar Technology: History and Future Trends
Dr. Corie Ralston Head, Berkeley Center for Structural Biology/Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA The Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley Lab: Beamline Science, Design and Control
Dr. Rajiv Dighe Sr. Product Line Manager Broadcom, Petaluma, CA Passive Optical Networks: Technology for Broadband Access to the Home
Mr. Mark Baldassari Director of Codes and Standards Enphase, Petaluma, CA Grid Voltage Regulation with Distributed Energy Resources
Mr. Rod Sugiyama Chief Operating Officer Operant Solar, Santa Rosa, CA Radio Wave Propagation in Open and Obstructed Environments
Dr. Srabanti Chowdhury Associate Professor EE Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Advances Made in Electronic Devices Using Widebandgap Semiconductors
Dr. Salam Marougi Expert Engineer Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA Quantifying and Measuring Phase Noise in RF and Microwave Signals
Dr. Mohamed Salem Assistant Professor Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University Metasurfaces: Engineering Electromagnetic Wavefronts
Mr. Paul Hernday Senior Applications Engineer Solmetric, Inc., Sebastopol, CA Fundamentals and Trends in Photovoltaic Electric Generation
Mr. Benny Smith Consultant Visionsmith, Hidden Valley Lake, CA LED Lighting: Cool and Bright
Mr. Wei Lin Senior RF Hardware Design Engineer National Instruments, Santa Rosa, CA Basic RF Measurements and Terminology
Dr. Somayeh Sojoudi Assistant Professor EE & CS Department, UC Berkley Learning Large-Scale Sparse Graphical Models: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications
Mr. Tim Wang-Lee Application Engineer Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA Signal Integrity and How It Fits in Your Career
Dr. Don Estreich Lecturer Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA Why Did Silicon Valley Develop in the San Francisco Bay Area Instead of the East Coast?
Dr. Sergio Canavati Assistant Professor School of Business and Economics, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA Product Platforms, Firm Processes, and Firm Performance
Dr. Xiaorong Zhang Assistant Professor Computer Engineering, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA Toward the Next-Generation Neural-Controlled Artificial Limb