Lectures & Workshops
Engineering Lecture Series
Each spring and fall, the Engineering Department at SSU presents a series of colloquia on a wide range of engineering topics and trend of technologies. The talks are generally very high-level and designed for the general audience. The Engineering Colloquium was established in Fall 2006 and was initially sponsored by former Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) and local industries.
Days & Dates: First and Third Thursday of every month
Zoom ID:
https://SonomaState.zoom.us/j/87287592076, Passcode: 2009A
and/or Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A, Campus Map
Lecture: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. including Q &A
Attendance is open to students, faculty and staff of SSU and other members of the community, in general. A parking permit is required to park on campus, and is available for $5.00 at machines in the parking lots. Talks are otherwise free.
For more information, please contact the Engineering Department at (707) 664-2030 or engineering@sonoma.edu.

EECS Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Past Lectures
Date | Speaker | Speaker Affiliation | Lecture Title |
Mr. Roger Nichols | 5G Program Manager Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA | 5G Mobile Wireless: A 5G Overview and Market Update | |
Dr. Anish Nair | Senior Engineer Qualcomm, San Jose, CA | Applications of Chaotic Maps in Communication and Signal Processing | |
Dr. Nansong Wu | ES Department Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA | Smart Environmental Monitoring Using Low-Cost Sensors and LPWAN | |
Dr. Shahrad Jamshidi | Data Scientist Remi Pty, Australia | Machine Learning | |
Dr. Sebastian Gomez-Diaz | Assistant Professor ECE Department, UC Davis, Davis, CA | Nonreciprocal manipulation of electromagnetic waves | |
Mr. Chris Stewart | President & COO Pocket Radar, Santa Rosa, CA | Radar Technology: History and Future Trends | |
Dr. Corie Ralston | Head, Berkeley Center for Structural Biology/Scientist Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA | The Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley Lab: Beamline Science, Design and Control | |
Dr. Rajiv Dighe | Sr. Product Line Manager Broadcom, Petaluma, CA | Passive Optical Networks: Technology for Broadband Access to the Home | |
Mr. Mark Baldassari | Director of Codes and Standards Enphase, Petaluma, CA | Grid Voltage Regulation with Distributed Energy Resources | |
Mr. Rod Sugiyama | Chief Operating Officer Operant Solar, Santa Rosa, CA | Radio Wave Propagation in Open and Obstructed Environments | |
Dr. Srabanti Chowdhury | Associate Professor EE Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA | Advances Made in Electronic Devices Using Widebandgap Semiconductors | |
Dr. Salam Marougi | Expert Engineer Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA | Quantifying and Measuring Phase Noise in RF and Microwave Signals | |
Dr. Mohamed Salem | Assistant Professor Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University | Metasurfaces: Engineering Electromagnetic Wavefronts | |
Mr. Paul Hernday | Senior Applications Engineer Solmetric, Inc., Sebastopol, CA | Fundamentals and Trends in Photovoltaic Electric Generation | |
Mr. Benny Smith | Consultant Visionsmith, Hidden Valley Lake, CA | LED Lighting: Cool and Bright | |
Mr. Wei Lin | Senior RF Hardware Design Engineer National Instruments, Santa Rosa, CA | Basic RF Measurements and Terminology | |
Dr. Somayeh Sojoudi | Assistant Professor EE & CS Department, UC Berkley | Learning Large-Scale Sparse Graphical Models: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications | |
Mr. Tim Wang-Lee | Application Engineer Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA | Signal Integrity and How It Fits in Your Career | |
Dr. Don Estreich | Lecturer Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA | Why Did Silicon Valley Develop in the San Francisco Bay Area Instead of the East Coast? | |
Dr. Sergio Canavati | Assistant Professor School of Business and Economics, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA | Product Platforms, Firm Processes, and Firm Performance |