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Lecture Series Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Marina Radulaski Assistant Professor ECE, UC Davis, CA Quantum Nanophotonics Hardware with Integrated Color Centers
Dr. Dennis Derickson Professor EE Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Amateur Radio
Dr. Asad Abidi Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCLA, CA Powering Inaccessible Circuits and Communicating with them through Coupled Inductors
Ms. Liz Ruetsch General Manager of Quantum Engineering Solutions Business Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA A Quantum Computing Industry Overview – challenges and opportunities on the road ahead
Mr. Ed Boyd Vice President Engineering & CTO, Co-Founder Tibitcom The Future of Fiber Optics to the Home
Mr. Shivakumar Mathapathi Co-Founder and CTO Xtrans Solutions LLC The convergence of Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Mr. Casey White Senior Engineering Project Manager Viavi Solutions, Santa Rosa, CA Optical Filters and Their Applications (2021)
Mr. Tom Greer CEO Gizmo Design, Santa Rosa, CA Using 3D Computer Aided Design to Bring Your Ideas to Life
Dr. Jane Gu Professor ECE Department, UC Davis, Davis, CA THz Interconnect, the Last Centimeter Communication
Dr. Nina Marhamati CS Department, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA Reflecting What AI Perceives from Human Interaction
Dr. Xiaokun Yang University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston, TX FPGA Acceleration on Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Arman Sargolzaei Assistant Professor ME Department, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TE Security of Networked Control Systems
Professor Bala Ravikumar Professor, Chair Department of Computer Science, SSU, Rohnert Park, CA Probabilistic and Approximate Computation in Software and Hardware Models
Professor Houman Homayoun Associate Professor Dept. of ECE, UC Davis, Davis, CA Towards Hardware Cybersecurity
Dr. Pelin Salem Senior Test Development Engineer Cisco, San Jose, CA Supply Chain - New Product Introduction Process
Mr. Jay Alexander CTO Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA Trends in Electronic Measurement
Mr. Mark Baldassari Director of Codes and Standards Enphase Energy, Petaluma, CA Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems
Professor Katie Wilson Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA Sometimes you can't see the signal for the trees
Mr. Mark Thoren System Design Engineer Analog Devices, Santa Clara, CA Power Electronics and its Trends
Dr. Loren Betts R&D Manager Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA Aerospace/Defense Measurement Applications