Two-Page ABET Syllabi
A two-page ABET syllabus is provided below for each required course in the EE Program curriculum:
- EE 110: Introduction to Engineering Laboratory
- EE 112: Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design Laboratory
- EE 210: Digital Circuit and Logic Design
- EE 210L: Digital Circuit and Logic Design Laboratory
- EE 220: Electric Circuits
- EE 221: Electric Circuits Laboratory
- EE 230: Electronics I
- EE 231: Electronic I Laboratory
- EE 282: Fundamentals of Engineering Modeling and Simulation Laboratory
- EE 310: Microprocessors and System Design
- EE 310L: Microprocessors and System Design Laboratory
- EE 314: Advanced Programming, Modeling and Simulation
- EE 330: Electronics II
- EE 334: Microelectronic Circuits
- EE 334L: Microelectronic Circuits Laboratory
- EE 345: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
- EE 381: Introduction to Instrumentation
- EE 400: Linear System Theory
- EE 430: Electromagnetic Theory and Applications
- EE 442: Analog and Digital Communications
- EE 442L: Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory
- EE 444: Introduction to RF Communications
- EE 444L: RF Circuit Design Laboratory
- EE 465: Introduction to Networking and Network Management
- EE 465L: Introduction to Networking and Network Management Laboratory
- EE 470: Introduction to Internet-of-Things
- EE 473: Robotics and Computer Vision
- EE 492: Senior Design Project Planning
- EE 493: Senior Design Project
- EE 497: Engineering Science Colloquium