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Lectures & Workshops

Engineering Lecture Series

Each spring and fall, the Engineering Department at SSU presents a series of colloquia on a wide range of engineering topics and trend of technologies. The talks are generally very high-level and designed for the general audience. The Engineering Colloquium was established in Fall 2006 and was initially sponsored by former Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) and local industries.

Days & Dates: First and Third Thursday of every month
Zoom ID:, Passcode: 2009A
and/or Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A, Campus Map
Lecture: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. including Q &A

Attendance is open to students, faculty and staff of SSU and other members of the community, in general. A parking permit is required to park on campus, and is available for $5.00 at machines in the parking lots. Talks are otherwise free.

For more information, please contact the Engineering Department at (707) 664-2030 or

Alane Suhr
Interactive Language Agents: Training, Evaluation, and Interface
Dr. Alane Suhr

EECS Department, UC Berkeley, CA

Stella Yu
Unscripted Grounded Visual Learning
Dr. Stella Yu

EECS Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan