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Thesis/Project Proposal Format

A Suggested Format for Preparing a Thesis/Project Proposal

A thesis/project proposal must be prepared, attached to the GS-01 form and approved by the student’s supervisory committee and Department Chair as soon as possible after deciding on the topic of the thesis/project. This will insure timely completion of the thesis/project and graduation of the student. The proposal should address the items indicated in the format given below. The actual proposal format could be a variation of the given format.

  1. Title of the proposed thesis/design project.
  2. Names of the student and thesis/design project supervisor(s).
  3. Brief description of the proposed work – need, concept, expected outcome, expected technical contribution.
  4. Resources needed to carry out the work – software packages, equipment, parts, tools, technical staff’s time, etc.
  5. Availability of the needed resources – Are these resources available in the department? If not, how are these to be acquired? If you are requesting department to purchase these or some of these items, what is the estimated cost?
  6. Projected timeline for completion of the project.
  7. If for some reason, the thesis/design project supervisor becomes unavailable for an extended period of time or permanently, what will be the impact on completion of the project and the student’s graduation plans?

For any further guidance in this regard, the student must contact his/her Thesis/Project Advisor, or Department Chair.