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The Sixth Summer Research Program Sponsored by the Engineering Department

Student interns officially ended their 8-week Engineering Summer Research on July 25th. This year the Engineering Summer Research program included two graduate students, twelve undergraduate EE students and three students form local high schools. The projects ranged from designing an Autonomous Robot to developing and testing a Bird Sound Recorder for FOP. "This summer has been unforgettable. I loved working with the electrical engineering department at Sonoma State. Everyone was inclusive and patient with my questions. Having time over the summer to investigate something that I was interested in without the constraints of grades or a class schedule was amazing. I also feel like I grew as an engineer", noted Julia Pastis, a SHIP participant. Over the last six years the Engineering department has been hosting a number of high school, undergraduate and graduate students from SSU and other institutions to engage in real-world and exciting funded research activities during summer. Summer research scholars are selected by faculty and receive a highly engaging mentoring experience. Participants in the program are expected to spend 10 weeks and present their results in poster, talks and presentation sessions at various conferences and even possibly peer-reviewed journals. This year's mentors included Dr. Sudhir Shrestha, Dr. Mohamed Salem and Dr. Christopher Halle. We would like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Shahram Marivani and Mr. Rob Rowland for guiding the students during the program. To learn more about the summer research program at the engineering department at SSU, please contact Dr. Farid Farahmand.