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Engineering Graduate Student Awarded the Graduate Studies Outstanding Research Award

The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Stacey Bosick, and the Office of Graduate Studies awarded David House the Graduate Studies Outstanding Research Award for his work on Metasurface Absorbers. David House graduated from the MSCES program in Spring 2020. He worked on advanced electromagnetic metasurfaces as part of his thesis work under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Salem in the Electrodynamics Engineering Laboratory (eel). David's presentation in the SSU Virtual Research Gallery titled “Metasurface Absorber for 24.125 GHz Using the Split Ring Resonator Megaparticle” was applauded as a great example of the high level of scholarship that SSU Engineering graduate students can achieve. David's presentation did not only demonstrate excellence in research, but was presented in a manner that was highly accessible to a broad audience. Congratulations to David House for this achievement!