EE Researcher Students Participate in CSU Research Competition
Three EE research projects are chosen among the ten projects representing SSU in the 2022 CSU Research Competition.
The projects are "Low-Cost Ambient High-Frequency Radio Power Sensor" lead by undergraduate student Andrew Wolfe and funded through a grant by the Center for Environmental Inquiry, "Passive WLAN-Based Radar for Covert Indoors Surveillance" lead by undergraduate students Alexandria Walker, Blake Janowicz, Jason Knight-Han, and Jesus Perez-Quintero and funded by the Koret Scholars Program, and "Polarization Rotator Metamirror Design Using Surrogate-Based Optimization" lead by graduate student Joseph Haun. The three projects are conducted in the Electrodynamics Engineering Lab (eel) under the mentorship of Dr. Mohamed Salem. The CSU Student Research Competition is held each spring to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments across the 23 CSU campuses. Congratulations to the students, and best of luck to them in the competition!