Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Design and Knowledge Discovery in Nanophotonics

Dr. Ali Adibi
Professor School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A
4:00 PM
Abstract: A survey of the new artificial-intelligence (AI)-based approaches for analysis, design, optimization, and knowledge discovery in electromagnetic nanostructures will be presented. Recent advances in using both deep-learning (DL) techniques and machine-learning (ML) techniques and their application to practical problems will be covered. These techniques will not only enable more efficient designs of the electromagnetic nanostructures (e.g., metasurfaces), but also provide valuable insight about the physics of light-matter interactions in such structures. Details of the training process for these algorithms as well as the challenges and limitations of these techniques for different classes of nanostructures will be discussed. Knowledge discovery using these techniques includes the study of feasibility of a certain response from a given nanostructure and comparing the roles of different design parameters to facilitate the training process.
Bio: Ali Adibi is the director of Bio and Environmental Sensing Technologies (BEST) and a professor and Joseph M. Pettit chair in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. His research group has pioneered several structures in the field of integrated nanophotonics for information processing, sensing, and quantum photonic applications. He is the author of more than 230 journal papers and 550 conference papers. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Nanophotonics, and the nanophotonic program track chair of the Photonics West meeting. He is the recipient of several awards including Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, Packard Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, and the SPIE Technology Achievement Award. He is also a fellow of OSA, SPIE, and AAAS.