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April 2, 2015

The Electrical Grid of the Future Featuring Smart Grid, Distributed Resources and Energy Storage

Jim Eyer

Mr. Jim Eyer
Senior Analyst and Principal E&I Consulting and Senior Advisor California Energy Storage Alliance

Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A
4:00 PM

Abstract – The electrical grid evolved slowly throughout most of the 20th century, in part, because electrical equipment was typically left in service for thirty or more years after installation. So, the utility infrastructure was relatively unaffected by technological innovation. Change began in the late 1970s, driven by 1) increasing focus on environment and energy efficiency, 2) increasing “NIMBY” sentiment regarding large generation plants and high power transmission, 3) renewable energy generation and cogeneration, 4) power electronics advances (e.g. IGBTs) and 5) competition. Recently, the emergence of distributed energy resources (DERs) and Smart Grid accelerate change. Smart Grid is especially important: it enables more optimal coordination, integration and use of a) the electrical infrastructure and b) new technologies than was possible using the relatively “dumb” controls of the past. This fast paced presentation addresses the evolution of the electrical grid and the electrical grid of the future featuring DERs and Smart Grid.

Mr. Jim Eyer’s entire 30 year career has involved energy efficiency, renewables and advanced energy technologies, concepts, benefits and markets. For the last twenty years Jim has focused on energy storage with an emphasis on benefits and value propositions. Jim owns and is principal and senior analyst for E&I Consulting. He is a senior advisor to the California Energy Storage Alliance (CESA). Before that he was Senior Analyst with Distributed Utility Associates for 13 years. Before that he held a range of positions with Pacific Gas and Electric Company related to advanced electric technology and concepts R&D, electric supply planning, and commercial energy efficiency services. He has an undergraduate degree with a double major in physics and management from Sonoma State University and an M.A. in management also from Sonoma State.