The Coming 6th Generation of Mobile Wireless (Fall 2024)

Mr. Roger Nickols
6G Program Manager Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA
Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A
4:00 PM
Abstract: The first commercial 5G deployments were in March of 2019—barely three years ago and the path to 6G is already a few years under way. It is without a doubt that 6G will be evolution and revolution beyond 5G, but some of the differences are already quite clear. Not only is the technology going to be different, the change in commercial and government approach to commercial wireless systems has already begun. This talk will cover what remains to be realized from the original 5G vision and what to expect from the work on 6G during the next decade.
Bio: Mr. Roger Nichols is an acknowledged subject matter expert in mobile wireless communications design and measurement technologies. He has 37 years of engineering and management experience at Hewlett-Packard, Agilent, and Keysight Technologies spanning roles in R&D, marketing, and manufacturing. He has managed projects, programs, and departments beginning with analog cellular radio evolving to 6G and on every standard in between. He directed Keysight’s 5G program starting in 2014 and has been directing Keysight’s 6G program since its inception in 2019. He is a member of the FCC Technical Advisory Council and is also the strategic director of Keysight’s work in wireless standards. Roger holds a BSEE from the University of Colorado, Boulder.