UAS - In the Coming Robotic Revolution, The first wave of attack

Mr. Sean Headrick
Founder/CEO AeroTestra, Inc.
Cerent Engineering Science Complex, Salazar Hall 2009A
4:00 PM
Abstract – Unmanned aircraft have opened possibilities we have only imagined. Moreover, the democratization of this technology has put its potential within the grasp of anyone willing to explore. This lecture will look at the current state of unmanned aircraft systems and the roles that are emerging in the commercial sector. Focusing primarily on “remote sensing”, we will discuss applications including “structure from motion” or photogrammetry, hyperspectral and multispectral imaging, as well as water quality monitoring. We will also look forward to how this field may evolve leveraging technologies like machine learning, computer vision and rapidly increasing processing power. As a developer of UAS we will explore the unique approach to aircraft design for these applications, looking at platform reliability, sensor selection, and optimizing for specific data collection. This will be followed by a Q&A session, to explore in more detail, subjects of interest to those attending.
Mr. Sean Headrick is CEO and Founder of Aerotestra which he started in 2012, and is proud to be an advocate for, and contributor to the exciting robotics evolution we are experiencing today. A self taught designer and “engineer”, he spent the majority of the past 25 years designing and building everything from cabinets and furniture to treehouses and all variety of things in between. His current project, developing unmanned aircraft systems, has tapped into several passions at once that he hopes to share and learn from this ever growing community.