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February 20, 2025

Performance at The Core: Geostationary Satellite Payloads

Ian Furniss

Mr. Ian Furniss
Senior Payload Systems Engineer at Astranis Space Technologies, San Francisco, CA

Salazar Hall 2009A
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM

Abstract: What’s the secret sauce that makes geostationary satellites a critical resource in commercial communications and defense applications? Let’s explore the the critical role of satellites in geostationary orbit, with an emphasis on the importance of the payload in mission success. Covering foundational topics like systems engineering, satellite orbits, and the various systems that make up a satellite - with a focus on the satellite payload.

Bio: Ian is currently a Senior Payload Systems Engineer at Astranis Space Technologies helping guide the test and development of the payload for their second generation satellite platform: Omega. Prior to this Ian worked with Keysight Technologies as a Hardware R&D Engineer for Keysight Labs and as an Applications Development Engineer for their Aerospace and Defence group supporting their space customers like SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Ian graduated with his BS in EE from Sonoma State University and is working towards his MSECE at Purdue University. Ian’s areas of expertise include signal analysis and generation, particularly in design and test challenges in Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) from X-band to V- and W-band and beyond.