Suggested Parts List

There are several vendors that carry a wide variety of electronic parts you would need while you are in the program and beyond. The parts you need should include kit packages of resistors, capacitors, inductors, a breadboard and a multimeter. As you aquire these parts, you may add parts like popular transistors both NPN and PNP such as 2N3904 and 2N3906 and diodes such as 1N4001, 1N914 and 1N4733A (5.1V Zener). Here is a list of vendors you could use as a reference and decide on your own which would be a better choice.
- Jameco, Jameco Education Center
- Electronic Express
- Mouser
- Digi-key
- Marlin P. Jones & Assoc. Inc.
- Amazon
- Arrow Electronics
Here is a sample of some of the products you may want to consider:
- Expandable breadboards and wires can be purchased from the SSU Bookstore.
- Fluke (Multimeter) offers 25% discount to students. Follow: NEW Student Discount, in particular, Fluke 15B+ is a reasonable choice.
- Extech EX350 True RMS Professional MultiMeter with NCV
- Tackle Box to store your parts:
- Plano Molding 2-Tray Tackle Box with Dual Top Access or
- Flambeau Outdoors Hip Roof Tackle Box or
- Flambeau Green Frost And Black Tackle Box
The last two tackle boxes may be available locally at Rohnert Park Walmart off Redwood Drive.