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Program Educational Objectives

In compliance with the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the Department of Engineering Science at Sonoma State University has developed and maintained a well‐defined set of Educational Objectives and desired Program Outcomes. The objectives and outcomes undergo continuous review and modification to assure the quality of our program and graduates. Our review process employs feedback instruments such as surveys and other assessment tools. These broad objectives describe the career and professional accomplishments of our graduates consistent with our constituents' needs and expectations. The PEOs are to produce BSEE graduates who (within 3-5 years of graduation):

  1. Design creative solutions to electrical engineering problems.
  2. Demonstrate professional ethics.
  3. Connect to their community and contribute to society.
  4. Value lifelong learning and self-improvement as demonstrated by taking part in professional development opportunities.
  5. Lead and build teams.