Create Live Ubuntu on a Flash Drive
Download the following link by right clicking on the hyperlink and selecting "Save Link As":
Visit the following link and download Ubuntu:
The installer is about 2 MB and Ubuntu is an "iso" file that is around 2 GB, so be patient. Once you download the files, double click on Universal USB Installer and choose "ubuntu" under the Step1 drop-down menu as shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Selecting Ubuntu
Step 2 is the location of the "iso" file you just downloaded. Click on Browse and select the "iso" file:

Figure 2: Location of the "iso" file
Step 3 is the location or the drive letter of the memory stick you are using for this purpose. The recommended size is an 8 GB stick. Once you select your drive letter, you can click on Create.
Download Etcher below and visit Ubuntu to download the appropriate version of it.
- Etcher: to write to your memory stick
- Download Ubuntu Desktop
Double click on Etcher file that you just downloaded. Etcher will configure and write to your USB device in three steps. They are to be selected in sequence:
- Select image will open a dialog box from which you should navigate to and select the Ubuntu ISO file you downloaded. By default, the ISO file will be in your Downloads folder.
- Select drive, replaced by the name of your USB device if one is already attached, lets you select your target device. You will be warned if the storage space is too small for your selected ISO.
- Flash! will activate when both the image and the drive have been selected. As with Disk Utility, Etcher needs low-level access to your storage hardware and will ask for your password after selection.

Figure 3: Etcher for MAC