Automatic USV-Based Long Range Water Quality Monitoring System

Automatic USV-Based Long Range Water Quality Monitoring System

Samuel Hobbs, Gabriel Nicholson and John Ohmer
Faculty Advisor
Nansong Wu, Industry Advisor: Doug Calhoun, County of Napa

Current water quality monitoring methods are time-consuming and inefficient due to requirements on manpower and coverage area. Testers must use boats and handheld devices to manually test bodies of water. The limitation on the area coverage and regular testing make it difficult to have a long-term assessment of water quality. This could allow potential water contamination to go undetected.

Our Automatic USV Long Range WQMS helps water management authorities who want to monitor water quality in an easy and efficient way by eliminating the need for large manned boats and enables the automatic acquisition of sensor data over a large area unlike slow manual testing.