THz Interconnect, the Last Centimeter Communication (2016)

Dr. Jane Gu

Dr. Jane Gu
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis

Thu, 03/10/2016

Abstract – Ever increasing chip-to-chip communication bandwidth requirement continuously exceeds the bandwidth capabilities supported by chip I/O pins. The gap between the interconnect requirement and the capability forms “Interconnect Gap”. This talk presents one potential scheme, THz interconnect, to address the “Interconnect Gap” challenge. THz Interconnect, leveraging its unique spectrum position, holds the potential to utilize the benefits of both electrical interconnect’s low cost, high scalability processes and optical interconnect’s low loss channels. Therefore, it is promising to boost all the three key metrics of interconnect: bandwidth density, energy efficiency, and low cost, to address the long-standing issue. This talk presents THz interconnect active, passive component design and system demonstration.

Dr. Q. Jane Gu received her Ph.D. degree from University of California, Los Angeles in 2007. After graduation, she has worked in the industry for a short period. From August 2010 to August 2012, she was an assistant professor at University of Florida. Since August 2012, she has joined University of California, Davis as an assistant professor. Her research interest includes high efficiency, low power interconnect, RF/mmwave/ THz integrated circuits and System on Chip (SoC) design techniques, as well as integrated THz systems for communication, radar and imaging. She is the co-recipient of 4 conference best paper awards. She is the recipient of 2013 NSF Career Award and 2015 College of Engineering Outstanding Junior Faculty Award.

Optical Coherence Tomography - Lighting the Path to Better Healthcare

Audrey Bowden

Dr. Audrey Bowden
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Thu, 03/03/2016

Abstract – Cancer. Infertility. Hearing loss. Each of these phrases can bring a ray of darkness into an otherwise happy life. The Stanford Biomedical Optics group, led by Prof. Audrey Bowden, aims to develop and deploy novel optical technologies to solve interdisciplinary challenges in the clinical and basic sciences. In short, we use light to image life -- and in so doing, illuminate new paths to better disease diagnosis, management and treatment. In this talk, I will discuss our recent efforts to design, fabricate and/or construct new hardware, software and systems-level biomedical optics tools to attack problems in skin cancer, bladder cancer, hearing loss and infertility. Our efforts span development of new fabrication techniques for 3D tissue-mimicking phantoms, new strategies for creating large mosaics and 3D models of biomedical data, machine-learning classifiers for automated detection of disease, novel system advances for multiplexed optical coherence tomography and low-cost technologies.

Dr. Audrey K (Ellerbee) Bowden is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. She received her BSE in EE from Princeton University, her PhD in BME from Duke University and completed her postdoctoral training in Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. During her career, Dr. Bowden served as an International Fellow at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore and as a Legislative Assistant in the United States Senate through the AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program sponsored by the OSA and SPIE. She is a member of the OSA, a Senior Member of SPIE and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Air Force Young Investigator Award, the NSF Career Award and the Hellman Faculty Scholars Award. She is a former Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal, a member of numerous professional committees, and her research interests include biomedical optics, microfluidics, and point of care diagnostics.

Bleeding Edge FPGA and Digital Design: New Challenges At High Gigabit Rates

Chuck Corley

Mr. Chuck Corley
Principal Digital HW Engineer
National Instruments

Thu, 02/18/2016

Abstract – Today's ASICs and FPGAs include multi-gigabit data transceivers that operate at 28 Gigabits per second. Future 56 Gigabit per second links are being designed and will arrive soon. Problems have been encountered in making these new data links reliable. The physics of PC Board signal transmission at these rates is the next high frequency challenge for digital and signal integrity engineers. This presentation investigates these latest challenges and some of the proposed solutions.

Mr. Chuck Corley is a multi-discipline 'crossover' hardware and software engineer who enjoys the challenges of making new technologies work reliably. Some of his current engineering passions include Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and ultra high speed multi-gigabit digital design signal integrity. Chuck has Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Sacramento State University. Chuck is proud to have worked for Hewlett Packard, Agilent, Cisco, Mahi Networks, and Keithley Instruments. Currently he feels very privileged to be part of the team at National Instruments, and also teaches high speed design classes. Chuck's latest hobby is being a project lead for Engineers Without Borders, designing and building sustainable clean drinking water systems for native villages in the Amazon region of Peru.

Fabrication and Testing of High Frequency/High Speed ICs

Forrest Kellert

Dr. Forrest Kellert
Order Fulfillment Manager
Keysight Technologies

Thu, 02/04/2016

Abstract – At Keysight Technologies, we help customers bring breakthrough electronic products to market faster and at a lower cost. High Frequency/High Speed ICs are critical to these breakthrough products. The fabrication and testing of these ICs will be discussed, including: core capabilities, semiconductor technologies, engineering roles and process capabilities.

Dr. Forrest Kellert After receiving a Ph.D. in Physics from Rice University, Forrest Kellert started working at Hewlett-Packard in 1980. He has been with Hewlett- Packard/Agilent Technologies/Keysight Technologies for the past 36 years, working on LEDs, lasers, photodiodes, and high frequency/high speed ICs.

Negative Capacitance Transistors

Sayeef Salahuddin

Dr. Sayeef Salahuddin
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley

Thu, 11/19/2015

Abstract – Phase transition materials have long been investigated for fundamental physics and also for potential application in electronics. In this presentation, I shall discuss how a controlled phase transition can lead to fundamentally new switching devices that has significantly less energy dissipation compared to the state of the art. In particular, I shall talk about the state of negative capacitance that can be achieved in certain material systems with stored energy of phase transition. Our recent experiments with ferroelectric materials have shown that such a state of negative capacitance can actually be achieved. I shall also describe our very recent results where such negative capacitance, when combined with conventional transistors, lead to effects that was long believed to be impossible. Finally, I shall discuss how these effects can usher in a new era of energy efficient electronics. with design considerations for PCB materials and the corresponding fabrication processes.

Dr. Sayeef Salahuddin is an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests are in the interdisciplinary field of electronic transport in nanostructures currently focusing on novel electronic and spintronic devices for low power logic and memory applications. Salahuddin received a number of awards including the NSF CAREER award, the IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award, the Young Investigator Awards from the AFOSR and the ARO and best paper awards from IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems and from the VLSI-TSA conference. He is on the editorial board of IEEE Electron Devices Letters and currently chairs the Electron Devices Society committee on Nanotechnology.
