Product Platforms, Firm Processes, and Firm Performance

Sergio Canavati

Dr. Sergio Canavati
Assistant Professor
School of Business and Economics, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

Thu, 04/05/2018

Abstract – How strong is the relationship between an individual’s prior knowledge and the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, and does the strength of this relationship vary across different dimensions of prior knowledge and types of opportunities (first- and thirdperson)? In addition, how does the interplay of the institutional context and individuals’ prior knowledge lead to the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities? This study examines the role of engineering knowledge, entrepreneurial experience, and formal education in the recognition of opportunity ideas and the formation of individual beliefs about the feasibility and desirability of the opportunity. We find that engineering knowledge and experience has the strongest correlation with the identification of opportunity ideas, but entrepreneurial experience is the strongest predictor of the formation of desirability and feasibility beliefs regarding the opportunity.

Dr. Sergio Canavati is an assistant professor of management at Sonoma State University. His research focuses on entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, family firms, and entrepreneurial leadership. Sergio also collaborates with North Coast SCORE to advice small and medium family businesses in the region. Sergio holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Entrepreneurship & Innovation from the University of Missouri- Kansas City.

Toward the Next-Generation Neural-Controlled Artificial Limb

Xiaorong Zhang

Dr. Xiaorong Zhang
Assistant Professor
Computer Engineering, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Thu, 03/15/2018

Abstract – There are over 32 million amputees worldwide whose lives are severely impacted by their limb losses and it is projected that this number will over double by 2050. Thus there is a strong demand to provide this large and growing population of amputees the best care and restoring of function. In recent years, myoelectric controlled prosthetic limb (sometimes referred as “mind-controlled prosthetic limb”), which utilizes electrical activity produced by muscle contractions to identify the user’s movement intentions to control prosthetic arms, has shown great potential in improving the quality of life of patients with amputations by allowing natural, intuitive prosthesis control. The key to the success of neural-controlled artificial limbs is the neural-machine interface (NMI) that collects neural signals, interprets the signals, and makes accurate decisions to control the prosthesis. This talk will discuss the requirements, challenges, design methods, and future trends of NMIs for prosthesis control.

Dr. Xiaorong Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering and the Director of the Intelligent Computing and Embedded Systems Laboratory (ICE Lab) at San Francisco State University. She has broad research experience in human-machine interfaces, neural-controlled artificial limbs, embedded systems, and wearable devices. She is a member of IEEE and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). She has served in the professional societies in various capacities including Associate Editor of the IEEE Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter, Co-Chair of the Doctoral Consortium at 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Faculty Advisor of the SWE SFSU Chapter, and Program Committee Member of various international conferences. She received her bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China in 2006, and her master’s and Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI in 2009 and 2013, respectively.

Smart Sensing Systems and Analysis of Exhaled Breath for Detecting Diseases

Sudhir Shrestha

Dr. Sudhir Shrestha
Assistant Professor
Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

Thu, 03/01/2018

Abstract – Smart sensing systems employ an array of sensors, and advanced data analysis methods for making sense of the information gathered by the sensors. This presentation will discuss recent progress on sensing systems for analyzing exhaled human breath and monitoring health status of a patient. The human breath contains a large number of compounds that carry important health information. For example, changes in the level of certain compounds in exhaled breath have been linked to the changes in blood glucose levels. Developing a system that detects blood glucose levels from exhaled breath of a patient involves recognizing the compounds, manufacturing a sensor array to sense them, and formulating a hardware and computational solution that produces an actionable output. This presentation will discuss recent results from the presenter’s team in that effort. In addition, recent efforts in developing sensing systems to monitor ambient air quality will be discussed.

Dr. Sudhir Shrestha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Science at Sonoma State University. He received his Ph.D. from Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA in 2009. Prior to joining SSU, he was with Miami University, Oxford, OH and Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), IN. He has several years of postdoctoral and industry experience. Dr. Shrestha's research aims to develop Smart Sensing Systems for health and other applications.

How Technology Helps Save the World's Most Valuable Resource

Peter Carlson

Mr. Peter Carlson
Chief Technical Officer
HydroPoint Data Systems, CA

Thu, 02/15/2018

Abstract – Water is one of the world's most valuable resources, especially as locations like Cape Town, South Africa close in on Day Zero, the day they run out of water. HydroPoint is a smart water management company helping to solve the water scarcity issue by combining Internet of Things devices with Big Data technology. We manage millions of data points every day to create intelligent irrigation schedules, find leaks and breaks, and reduce water waste. We use analytics to convert data into actionable knowledge that provides our customers with interactive dashboards that deliver real-time reports and notifications and mobile apps that help manage their water demand systems. Learn more about how the latest technologies are helping to save the world's most valuable resource.

Mr. Peter Carlson is a co-founder of HydroPoint. He has 15 years of experience using distributed data systems and scalable Softwareas- a-Service solutions to build IT products and services for enterprises ranging from small to Fortune 500. Previously, Peter was VP of engineering at Shaman Corporation, providing industry leading, award-winning IT data services. Prior to Shaman, Peter held environmental management positions at UC Berkeley. Together with Chris Spain, Peter holds a patent on Controlling a Resource Demand System. He is an Assistant Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts, and splits his remaining spare time between snow camping in Yosemite National Park and scuba diving in the Caribbean.

Photovoltaic Microinverter Systems

Mark Baldassari

Mr. Mark Baldassari
Director of Codes and Standards
Enphase, Petaluma, CA

Thu, 02/01/2018

Abstract – Solar Power and Photovoltaic technology is advancing quickly in the industry. Enphase Energy is a leader in developing technologies to meet the market demands. This talk will introduce basic concepts around solar systems. It will address the disadvantages of traditional systems versus the advantages of advanced microinverters from Enphase Energy. Data communications plays a vital role for a modern system. Enphase Energy addresses these challenges with a multi-processor, advanced communication, architecture. Finally, energy storage systems are gaining acceptance in the market. In the near future these systems will be commonplace. Battery chemistry plays a significant role in defining performance, safety and cost. From home sized systems to utility scale.

Mr. Mark Baldassari has over 34 years’ experience in engineering and product development and over 10 years with Enphase Energy, where he holds the position of Director, Codes and Standards. Currently, he actively participates in a number of Codes and Standards development groups both internationally and domestically. Domestically, Mr. Baldassari regularly participates in IEEE 1547 series of standards development with emphasis towards improving the grid integration of PV systems. He is involved with Underwriters Laboratory working on the harmonization of UL and IEC standards and a Standards Technical Panel member for UL 1699B and UL 2703. Mr. Baldassari is an active member of the CalSEIA Codes and Standards and PV Industry Forum. He is very involved with the drafting of the 2020 NEC for articles 690 and chairman for article 705. Mr. Baldassari has bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from California State University Sacramento, USA.
